Regulation & Reform


Qualifications Wales regulates qualifications, other than degrees, in Wales. We are an independent statutory body and are accountable to the people of Wales through Senedd Cymru. We work closely with the other organisations involved in qualifications, respecting our distinct roles.

That is how, together, we shape qualifications that are genuinely Made-for-Wales and designed to meet the specific needs of both our learners and our economy.



Awarding bodies are responsible for the delivery of their qualifications. Once recognised by us for delivery of qualifications in Wales, an awarding body must comply with the rules that we set. We work closely with awarding bodies to provide a regulatory framework that is intended to minimise failures and protect learners' interests.

As a regulator we set the rules that awarding bodies must meet to be recognised here in Wales. Those rules are intended to ensure that qualifications accurately reflect learners' knowledge and understanding. We monitor their work against these rules, which cover matters such as assessment standards, external quality-assurance and the guidance provided to centres.

Find out more about our regulating activities.



Following the introduction of the Curriculum for Wales, we’re reforming all qualifications for 14 to 16-year olds to reflect what and how they are being taught. The new National 14-16 Qualifications suite is being taught in schools from September 2025, September 2026 and September 2027. 

The reformed qualifications will be: 

    • GCSEs – new GCSEs will reflect the content of the Curriculum for Wales and will be available in a range of academic, creative and technical subjects 
    • VCSEs – this new type of qualification will provide learners with the opportunity to study work-related subjects 
    • Foundation qualifications – these Entry Level and Level 1 qualifications will be available in a range of general and work-related subjects
    • Skills Suite – replacing the Skills Challenges Certificate, the Skills Suite will comprise Skills for Life, Skills for Work, Skills for Life and Work and a Personal Project



Research & Statistics

Our decisions are informed by evidence and data. Our own research and statistics team produce much of this information and commission independent research. We share information on qualifications in Wales with anyone interested in how the system works and is performing. 

Find out more about the latest research and statistics about qualifications in Wales.